Shaquille O'neal To The Boston Celtics

Shaquille O'neal just launched the second season of his reality show Shaq Vs. where he took on Dale Earnhardt Jr. in a NASCAR race.

The Boston Celtics WILL launch Shaq in an extended season in the NBA. Watch out folks! If the Celtics have brought Shaq to Boston, they feature an old, but pretty much formidable starting and second unit front line. With Shaq going green, alongside him in the Boston Celtics' front line would be Kevin Garnett, Jarmaine O'neil, Kendrick Perkins (when he comes back from injury), and Glen Davis.

That's a frontcourt line-up, even the Dwight Howards and the Pau Gasols are going to have a hard time going up against.

But is the Shaq to Boston Celtics a done deal?
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Anonymous said...

tssssssss......... big babies!

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